Thursday, October 22, 2009

Gospel October 25

Mark 10:46-52 Proper 25

"What do you want me to do for you?"

The story line of the gospel takes a turn with Jesus' encounter with Bartimaeus.

In Mark 7:22-26 the healing of another blind man is recorded. There the healing required two actions by Jesus. On that occasion the first effort bought a response "I see people; they look like trees walking around." (8:24). When the healing was completed this man returned to his village.The unnamed blind man could not see clearly immdiately after Jesus had touched his eyes, but did see clearly after the second action.

In this encounter we do know the name of the blind man. He was Bartimaeus - the son of Timaeus.
As Jesus and the disciples left Jericho they passed the place where Bartimaeus begged for alms. Blind though he was he knew it was Jesus and called out to him. The cry of Bartimaeus was plain "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" Under Jesus instruction Bartimaeus was allowed to approach, declared his desire to see, and was healed. Bartimaeus did not go to the city, or to a nearby village. Bartimaeus followed Jesus on the way. That way led to Jerusalem.

There are a number of interesting aspects to this passage apart from the redirection of the plot line from teaching the disciples to heading for the cross.

* The bravery and courage of throwing off his cloak and leaving his begging blanket behind
* The rejection of the crowd in words similar to those used to try to keep the litle children away
* Use of the title 'Son of David' - a prelude to the cries as Jesus entered Jerusalem. Bartimaeus recognized him before the crowds acclaimed him.
* Jesus question to Bartimaeus was "What do you want me to do for you?"

As the pericope concludes Bartimaeus followed Jesus on the way.

Here is the turning point in the story. Jesus is recognized for who he is, Bartimaeus threw off his past, and committed himself to Jesus. He followed Jesus on the way after Jesus had met his needs.

What is our response?

Other readings:

Hebrews 7:23-28

Job 42:1-6,10-17/Jeremiah 31:7-9

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