Friday, October 16, 2009

Gospel October 18

Mark 10:35-45 Proper 24

"For the 'son of man' came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (10:45)

This passage has three 'movements' that unfold in a very natural way. The argument between the disciples is embarrassing and the blatant plea for preferential positions by James and John does the twelve no credit. We must remember that they are real people - and 'sainthood' is something the church dispensed. It was not how Jesus referred to them. Criticize them if you will, but do not fail to examine your own heart in such matters.

Jesus elsewhere is recorded saying the disciples will 'sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel' (Matt 19:28). This may have been the background for the request for preferential treatment by the sons of Zebedee. How often do we find that a gift of privileged status provokes a desire for more rather that gratitude at undeserved graced! And so an argument ensues.

Here is an opportunity to again assert the values of the kingdom - and to apply them to a very real situation. Jesus asked if they could drink of the 'cup' that he must drink, and had predicated his suffering and death in Jerusalem. Do the Sons of Thunder really understand what they are asking?

Here is the lesson:
The rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them. Leadership in the world means power over others - but in the kingdom of God leadership means service. Remember that.... and apply it. Jesus, their leader, concluded the discussion by identifying his purpose - to serve others as their 'ransom'. This idea (parallel text Matt 20:28) is also picked up in 1 Timothy 2:6 and Hebrews 9:15. Here is the ultimate service - giving yourself so that another may have life.

In our humanity this ideal of self-giving is often pushed to the backburner. Leadership is seen as getting things done; often in the way we think is best and at the expense of those we lead. This is so in the church and in the world. All in positions of authority need to look regularly to this passage, and reflect carefully on their leadership practice.

Jesus showed us the way of leadership - it is the way of service, it is the way of suffering.

Other readings:

Hebrews 5:1-10

Job 38:1-7(34-41)/Isaiah 53:4-12

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