Friday, October 9, 2009

Gospel October 11

Mark 10:17-31 Proper 23

"You lack one thing; go, sell what you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then, come, follow me." (10:21)

Through the tenth chapter of Mark there are seven 'incidents' or encounters. This very familiar story of the 'rich young ruler' (Mark's account is actually of rich man. In this gospel we are not told he is a ruler, nor that he is young) is placed after Jesus' blessing of children and before the question from the disciples about their reward. Each of these stories could stand-alone but Mark has arranged them in this sequence.

There are some dramatic contrasts between this man and the key figures in the surrounding pericopes.

Children are the focus of the previous incident. They are vulnerable - those days infant mortality rates were high. They are insignificant - they have no power or status. They are trusting and dependent - and will cling to those they trust. Jesus said '...for of such ones is the Kingdom of God'.

The disciples had no power either. What status they had was amongst their own families, and they counted for nothing in the politics of the community or country. They did have an experience of life, they knew what counted in the eyes of their peers - and they had given up whatever they had to follow Jesus.

And there is a rich man. He comes to Jesus. "He is not from the rabble, the sinful, the outcast, with whom Jesus frequently associated and had fellowship. He will be found instead regularly attending the synagogue, perhaps even participating in the service from time to time. " He is a good and powerful man in the eyes of those around him. His answers to Jesus questions show him to be a thoroughly decent man as well. Despite this Jesus tells him that what he has is not enough - he lacks one thing.

From the outside it would seem that he had everything, but this was not the case. Deep within he knew he was missing something. Why else would you ask a rabbi what was needed to gain eternal life?

For this man it would seem that trust in God was lacking. He had plenty of money. He kept the law. He was a 'good' man. Jesus told him what was needed to inherit eternal life. He could not do it.

Today the evangelical response to the rich man's question is "Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour and you will be saved." A four (or six) step blueprint will be offered, and a prayer prayed. You are in!
I suspect this passage makes that a little less certain. This guy had prayed the prayer for his day. He had followed the program. It was not enough. There was still stuff in the way - his possessions. They had to go so that he was free to follow Jesus.

As I read this very familiar story I wonder what Jesus would say to me if I asked the same question. What is the next step I must take to enjoy the blessing of eternal life? The answer from Jesus will be for me. It will be specific to my circumstances and will be what I must do to reveal my complete trust in him.

What will he say to you?

Other readings:

Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12

Job 23:1-9,16-17/Amos 5:6-7,10-15

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