Friday, March 27, 2009

March 22 - Epistle

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Ephesians 2:1-10

"...even when we were dead in our trespasses and sins, [God] made us alive together with Christ" Ephesians 2:5a.

In this epistle the scene has been set. The blessings that are ours in Christ have been proclaimed - chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgive, sealed (1:10-19). The purposes of God have been declared - unity of all things in Him. The power of God has been asserted, and the reality proclaimed - all things are under the authority of Christ. We are urged to set our hope in Him.

Why? Because in Christ we are made alive.
There is a passive at work here. We did not come alive - God made us alive. It is his power that ser us free, it is His mercy that forgave us, and His love that embraces us. There is nothing we can do that will save us - it is God's power that does this. His work in Christ allows us to walk out the prison doors, which he has unlocked. Our faith in what Christ has done enables us to enter this new life.

Then what? What is required of us?
In one sense - nothing! But since God has freed us, why wouldn't we want to serve Him and do the works of the one who has given us life?

We have been made alive in Christ. Our lives should be spent in a way that will honour the One who gives us life. Let us do the good works prepared for us.

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