Saturday, March 14, 2009

March 15 - Gospel

Third Sunday in Lent

John 2:13-22

"His disciples remembered that it was written 'Zeal for you house shall consume me'" (John 2:17).

The first disciples had been called to follow Jesus (1:35-51) and in John's gospel the first miracle had been performed (2:1-12). It was near the time of the Passover, and Jesus went to Jerusalem, There he observed the trading of cattle, sheep, and doves. There he witnessed the changing of money - and he drove out the traders with a whip of cords. For Mark, Matthew and Luke this incident is the key, the trigger or catalyst to the Passion narrative. In John's gospel it is this event that marks the beginning of Jesus' ministry. In the synoptic gospels there is an order that builds the tension and leads to the cross.

For John also there is an order - but his order and approach is different. Chronology is not so important - the revelation of Jesus is!
Here in the cleansing of the Temple two things become clear,
First is the zeal, passion and commitment Jesus has for the house of God, and for the things of God. It is this passion that impels him to drive out those who had made the Temple grounds a market place (2:15-18).
Second is the prediction of his death and resurrection (2:19-21).

During this time of Lent we do well to reflect on those things that have intruded into the temple that is our body, and into lives that should be dedicated to God.

It is easy to allow the activities and the business of the world around us to fill our time and drain our energy so that our service for God is hampered. Our attention may be on trading (our careers, money, business) on entertainments, on health and fitness, on family - such that we are not open to allow space and freedom for God to move in us. Perhaps we may have given in to some temptation or 'besetting sin' or addiction that has taken over our lives almost completely. On the other hand it is also possible to have too much of a good thing, and be so busy working for God that we no longer have time to wait on God!

For us, as for the Temple, there are times when a good clean out is needed.

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