Saturday, March 14, 2009

March 15 - Epistle

Third Sunday in Lent

1 Corinthians 1:18-25

"For since, in the wisdom of God the world did not know God through wisdom, God decided, through the foolishness of our proclamation, to save those who believe" (1 Cor 1:21)

The world did not know God through wisdom!

An intelligent and articulate man, the apostle Paul addressed the 'wise men' of Corinth and reminds them tat it was not human wisdom that saved them - it was belief in the message about Jesus Christ, Son of God - crucified yet risen again, the One in whom is salvation.

Truly it makes little sense - but the reality around us reveals that human wisdom has not saved us. It may have made life a little better - but we still suffer and die, and people are still abused, mistreated, and oppressed even by their own tribe or race. We may have more control over our personal environment - but nature still unleashes forces that we cannot control.
If we cannot exercise ultimate control in the physical realm how can we expect to have any control in the realm of the Spirit, or any control over our final destiny?

Yet God - in what to human wisdom does seem foolish - took on human form in Christ, suffered and died at the hands of broken humanity, and rose again to reveal his power over death, For us it seems upside down - the power of God should be exercised with strength and might, imposing God's will on all. Yet that is not the way of God, who chose the path of suffering and vulnerability.
It is then our choice to believe and follow.
It is in our hands to chose our eternal destiny - God in grace gives us the choice. In ultimate terms, it is foolishness NOT to believe.

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