Wednesday, November 25, 2009

November 29

Year C Advent I Nov 29/09

Luke 21:25-36

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." (21:33)

It seems rather odd to begin a lectionary year with a reading about the end of things.

End times speculation is not something that I care to engage in. Many have tried to date the return of Christ through the last two millennia, none have yet been right. I choose not to add to the speculation and be another failed tipster.

This passage comes before the Passover and the passion of Christ, as Jesus is preparing for his journey to the cross and certain death. His disciples are being prepared for life after Jesus, and for troubles they and their communities were yet to face. What Jesus said then was for his followers at that time. What Jesus said was for us and for our time.

Some of the things Jesus identified continue to happen. People read these signs and anticipate the end of things. Today climate change is a reality. Arguments continue over the origins of this change, but to me the evidence points to human activity as a key factor in global warming. This will have catastrophic effects that will be seen in the heavens and on the seas.

As humans we face choices - we act in the hope of saving the world, or we sail on and allow our activity to speed up the end of the world as we know it.
As Christians we face those same choices, but we also look forward to the return of Christ. Jesus words to his disciples challenge us about our priorities and our hope.

This world is passing, but Christ will return. His words will remain, and during these times of trial and trouble we are to be alert and continue to hold firmly to his word and to the hope of our final salvation.

Other readings:

Jeremiah 33:14-16
Psalm 25:1-10
1 Thess 3:9-13

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