Tuesday, September 22, 2009

September 27 (Proper 21)

Mark 9:38-50

Jesus said," No one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us." (9:39-40)

Christians assert confidently that there is only one way to heaven - through Jesus Christ. Scripture affirms that view. This declaration should give confidence and hope; instead it has become a divisive weapon that sets Christian and non-Christians apart. At the centre of this division is the claim is not Jesus but our determination to know who will be IN and who is EXCLUDED from heaven.

While we like black and white, and the Bible is printed in black on white paper, the actual situation is not so clear. Within the text there are enough clues to point beyond our prescriptive solutions.

The phrase 'in my name' means more than just uttering words or flashing credentials. It involves acting within the spirit and character of the person we claim to represent. While a company may boast 'service is our signature' or claim to be environmentally sensitive the actions of employees can either assert the truth of the claim or reveal it as a lie. On the other hand a person can serve freely and willing or act in a way that cares for the environment without belonging to that company. People can live in a way that reflects the values of Christ, even if they do not claim to be Christian. What this passage makes clear is that Christ views such actions favorably. Where will those people be in eternity? Jesus is the one who will answer that question.

The task of the Christian is to live out daily the values of Jesus, seek to do the will of God as revealed through the Word and by the Spirit, and encourage others to join in submission to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In doing that we should encourage Christlike actions in others whether they claim to be Christian or not.

Other readings:

Esther 7:1-6.9-10 9:20-22

James 5:13-20

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