Saturday, September 19, 2009

September 20 (Proper 20)

Mark 9:30-37

"Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all." (9:35)

We have moved in our journey and in our text to the point of discipleship.
Walking with Jesus has enabled us to see him as Messiah, but has also challenged our understanding of Christ's anointed. In Mark's gospel Jesus began to reshape the disciples understanding of the Jewish Messiah. On two occasions in this narrative he has pointed to his suffering and death (8:31-33; 9:30-32). This was not easy teaching for the disciples. On the first occasion Peter rebukes him. The second time Mark records that 'they did not understand'.

As they walked along the road the disciples were having a game of one-upmanship - my boat is better than your boat, or I was chosen first so I must be the best. It was an argument that sought to develop a 'pecking order'.

The world in which we live makes it clear that those 'on the top' are the greatest. They have the money, power or influence to get things done. Sadly the reality is that in the process those who have seem to keep getting more at the expense of those who have little. Jesus offers a different perspective. The servant of all is the greatest of all.

What would life be like in the West without the cleaners and garbage collectors? It is not a scenario that we would want to think about too much. Just recently I was surprised by service at a petrol station. Even more surprising was the view of one attendant that service had gone by the board because of abuse by customers. While the cost of service and advances in technology have no doubt driven the change the abuse of one who serves is all too common. It seems that many still have a warped view of status. In Australia we don't easily acknowledge position. Our egalitarian society refuses to give credit just because of an office or title held. Achievement may be feted, accomplishment may be recognized, but position granted by privilege will not. Despite this far too many treat those who serve with contempt, and offer abuse or criticism if their work fails to please in some way.

Our world is operating upside down. Jesus said the greatest are those who are the servants of all.
Where do you rate on Jesus scale of greatness?

Other readings:

Prov 31:10-31

James 3:13-4:3,7-8a

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