Monday, January 11, 2010

Year C January 17 John 2:1-11

2nd Sunday after the Epiphany

John 2:1-11


The third day. An interesting sequence appears in John 1. The next day begins three short incidents (1:29.35.43) and then we have the wedding on the "third day". Explanations include attempts to link this expression with the resurrection, but it is the third day after Jesus baptism (1:29-34).
Already Jesus has gathered a group of disciples around him. Two of them had been John's disciples (v.35)- including Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter.
This group is invited to a wedding in Cana and in this context (the only actual wedding that is recorded in the gospels) Jesus first public "miracle" is performed. This public miracle was recognised by only a few people who were 'in the know', the majority of the guests continued to enjoy the fine wine that resulted.

It seems quite remarkable that the first miracle (sign in John's gospel) recorded in John's Gospel should be the turning of water into wine. It is not a comfortable miracle for consideration by a temperance movement - but cannot be ignored.

(This is a work in process..further comment or information will be added during the week)

Other readings:
Isaiah 62:1-5;
Ps 36:5-10;
1 Cor 12:1-11

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