Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Year C December 13

Year C Advent 3

Luke 3:7-18

"Bear fruits worthy of repentance. Do not say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our ancestor'; for I tell you, God is able from these stones to raise up children of Abraham." (v8 NRSV)

As we consider this text world leaders are meeting in Copenhagen in an effort to decide on a global approach to climate change. While there are some who are sceptical about the cause of the increasing temperature the science is unequivocal. Temperatures are rising all around the world, and we must respond.

John appeared in the wilderness and ramped up the political and religious temperature in his part of the world. Luke reports that crowds came out to see him. Without TV and newspapers word still got around and the curious and searching came out to see and hear him.

His message was plain and confronting. He was a straight shooter and laid it on the line. Simply put it was this - don't rely on your heritage, but turn your lives around. Do the right thing to avoid the judgment to come. This was no airy-fairy idea, but a message that required a change in the way people lived, especially those in positions of power and authority, and those with goods to share.
A practical response was required.
For those who had possessions - if you have two coats, give one to someone who has none. Do the same with your food.
For those in powerful financial positions - stick to the rules and don't line your own pockets.
For those in powerful legal positions - don't use (or abuse) the might of the law to hurt the vulnerable.

The message of John was almost like a media release preparing the way for Jesus - there were sound bites that would be amplified and explained when you spent time with Jesus.

In my world context the message of John could be paraphrased something like:
"Don't rely on your developed world status to protect your from the effects of global climate change. What should you? The rich nations should give generously to help the poor and those most affected by these changes. Share your technology and resources so that they will have shelter and food in the times to come.
Those involved in business (directors, managers, and investors) should not line their own pockets just because they can - but give fair service for a fair price with the good of all in view.
And the lawmakers and law enforcers (UN and economic powerhouses) - act with compassion and justice, and do not take advantage of your global power to keep yourselves rich at the expense of the underdeveloped and struggling nations around the world.

Self-interest in these days will lead to global disaster.
Personal self-interest will only push our politicians along that track.
We need to live with the big picture in mind. In small ways we can make a difference. We must heed the message of John if we are to avoid the judgment to come. For each of us, and for our nation, that means repentance.

Other readings:

Zephaniah 3:14-20
Isaiah 12:2-6
Phil 4:4-7

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