Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Gospel May 10

John 15: 1-8

"I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

Coming at the centre of the sustained discourse of John 13-17 these verse are an enormous challenge to the activist of this world. People who say, "Just tell me what to do, and I will do it" don't find it easy when the instruction is "Stay connected to me."

There are many things that I want to do as a follower of Christ, many ways that I believe I can serve God - I've even got my own plans to make a difference in this world (or at least a small difference for a few people anyway). Yet Jesus says simply "Abide in me."

The vine analogy is obvious and is extended in this passage. For any observer there would be little doubt that a branch broken off or cut off from the vine is not going to have life, and will certainly not produce any fruit. (An analogy fails when pushed too far - so if you are like me and have a tendency to take it to the next step try to avoid doing so. Just stick with the image of the text.)

So how does a believer produce "fruit" for the kingdom of God?
Jesus says - stay connected to me! Let my life flow into yours as the sap from the vine flows into the branches. Fruit will come.
Too simple? Yes. Activists want goals to achieve, things to do, progress to mark.
Too hard? Nothing could be simpler. Letting the life of Christ flow through us means that our DNA becomes (or is) the DNA of Christ - our very nature takes on his nature, his character, and our desires emerge from his heart. When that happens we will respond and live in a way that reflects his character and his nature.

But what do we do to bear fruit? What should we do to advance the cause of Christ and grow the kingdom of God?
Just stay connected to Christ, and then do what your heart says - for your heart will then mirror the heart of God.

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