Saturday, January 31, 2009

February 8 2009

Mark 1:29-39

Year B Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

"Let us go into the neighbouring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also, for that is what I came out to do" Mk 1:38

Jesus fame has spread. The driving out of demons in the synagogue had created a stir and drawn attention to Jesus miraculous powers. He had been already been proclaiming the good news in Galilee, but it was the miracle that created the stir.

From the synagogue Jesus went to the 'house of Simon and Andrew' (not just Simon's house as in Matthew). It was the family abode. It would have been unusual for Simon's mother-in-law to reside there (unless she had no living sons to care for her), but she was there, and Jesus healed her as well.

At sunset, when the sabbath was over, they came - the sick and demon-possessed = seeking healing. Jesus obliged and 'healed many'. The next morning they came again - but could not find him. His disciples knew what he would be doing and found him in a deserted place, praying.

The needs were great, the people came - but for Jesus it was time to move on. To remain would have seen him trapped by the needs that surrounded. His task was bigger than meeting the physical needs of the 'many' - and so he moved on and his disciples went with him. He continued to proclaim the message throughout Galilee - and along the way exorcised a few demons as well.

Healing and helping are part of our ministry. In Australia The salvation Army has remarkable 'brand recognition' - but it is recognised as one of Australia's leading welfare agencies. People are often surprised to find that we are a church.

What The Salvation Army does is good - but there are times when we may have been trapped by doing what is good, and are failing to pursue what is best. It is a tension that Jesus lived with - and he was able to God's purposes. It is our tension too, and we must continue to both be good news, and to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom of God.

Other themes for exploration:
A pattern of life: ministry, family/friends, God (prayer)
Serving Jesus
Meeting needs (Mk 1:33-34)

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